Command deviceΒΆ

To read, write or save the value of a Variable, or to execute an Action, use the command autolab device in your terminal with the following general format:


The Element address indicates the address of the desired Variable or Action in the Autolab Device hierarchy, using a point separator. This command will establish a connection to your instrument, perform the requested operation, and finally close properly the connection. See Instantiate a driver for more informations about the connection.

The available operations are listed below:

  • To read and print the value of a readable Variable in the terminal, provide its address without any other options:
>>> autolab device -D myTunics -e wavelength
  • To read and save the value of a readable Variable in a file, provide its address with the option -p or --path with the desired output file or folder path:
>>> autolab device -D myPowerMeter -e line1.power -p .\data\power.txt
  • To set the value of a writable Variable, provide its address and the option -v or --value with the desired value:
>>> autolab device -D myTunics -e wavelength -v 1551
  • To execute an Action, provide its address without any options (or with the option -v or --value with the desired value if the Action has a parameter):
>>> autolab device -D myLinearStage -e goHome
  • To display the help of any Element, provide its address with the option -h or --help :
>>> autolab device -D myLinearStage -e goHome -h