

This package works on Python version 3.6+.

  • On Windows, we recommend installing Python through the distribution Anaconda:

  • On older versions of Windows (before Windows 7), we recommend installing Python manually:

  • On Linux, we recommend installing Python through the apt-get command.

Additional required packages (installed automatically with Autolab):

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • pyvisa

  • python-vxi11

  • qtpy

  • pyqtgraph

  • requests

  • tqdm

  • comtypes

Autolab package

This project is hosted in the global Python repository PyPi at the following address: To install the Autolab python package on your computer, we then advise you to use the Python package manager pip in a Python environnement:

pip install autolab

If the package is already installed, you can check the current version installed and upgrade it to the latest official version with the following commands:

pip show autolab
pip install autolab --upgrade

Import the Autolab package in a Python shell to check that the installation is correct.

>>> import autolab

Packages for the GUI

The GUI requires several packages to work, but depending on whether you are using Anaconda or not, the installation is different:

With Anaconda:

conda install pyqtgraph
conda install qtpy
conda install pyqt


pip install pyqtgraph
pip install qtpy
pip install pyqt5

Note that thanks to qtpy, you can install a different Qt backend instead of pyqt5, such as pyqt6, pyside2, or pyside6

Development version

You can install the latest development version (at your own risk) directly form GitHub:

pip install