Releases notes

Development version

  • The help of an Element (Device approach) can be either displayed through its function or by printing the object print(element).
  • The help of a Variable (Device approach) now display its python type.

(last) v1.1.10:

  • sacher_PC500: addition of the connection class Driver_GPIB

v1.1.9: * sacher_PC500: minor modifications

v1.1.8: * sacher_PC500: minor modifications

v1.1.7: * sacher_PC500: minor modifications

v1.1.6: * Addition of the driver sacher_PC500

v1.1.5: * yokogawa_AQ6370: fix on the single function of the class Driver: it will now wait to finish the operation

v1.1.4: * yokogawa_AQ6370: small fixes including modification of the names of communication functions (send and recv became write and read respectively)

v1.1.3: * minor fixes * addition of a few functions and the connection class Driver_GPIB to agilent_33220A * addition of the driver keithley_2200

v1.1.2: fixed issue with using local config and OS command autolab driver

v1.1.1: fixed installation issue regarding version.txt



  • renamed in autolab.doc()
  • Functions get_driver_by_config and get_device_by_config have been deleted. Use get_driver or get_device functions to load an instrument either with its full configuration or with a local configuration.
  • The methods of a Driver instance can be listed through the function autolab.explore_driver(instance).
  • New function autolab.infos() that displays the available drivers and local configurations in the system.
  • The local configurations are now refered as ‘local_config’ in the functions of autolab.
  • The OS shell interface has been completely restructured. Most of the features of Autolab are now available (doc, report, infos, drivers, devices, gui..) through a unique command ‘autolab’.
  • Added trigger for statistics of use (can be disabled).


  • The driver category is now stored in the script <driver> in the same folder (previously <driver>
  • exfo_PM1613: 1) Driver update taking into account that the power meter returns * when changing its scale. 2) typos in the type of power of get_driver_model (str -> float).
  • Modification of the way we pass argument to socket.send function. Safer now as we explicitely convert the argument to a string (impacted a few instruments that use socket module such as yokogawa_AQ6370, etc.).


  • Efforts to merge all the helps [in python, OS (autolab driver/device), etc.] to a common standard, using the very same functions.


  • First push