Devices (High-level interface)

What is a Device?

The high-level interface of Autolab is an abstraction layer of its low-level interface, which allows to communicate easily and safely with laboratory instruments without knowing the structure of its associated Driver.

In this approach, an instrument is fully described with a hierarchy of three particular Elements: the Modules, the Variables and the Actions.

  • A Module is an Element that consists in a group of Variables, Actions, and sub-Modules. The top-level Module of an instrument is called a Device.

  • A Variable is an Element that refers to a physical quantity, whose the value can be either set and/or read from an instrument (wavelength of an optical source, position of a linear stage, optical power measured with a power meter, spectrum measured with a spectrometer…). Depending on the nature of the physical quantity, it may have a unit.

  • An Action is an Element that refers to a particular operation that can be performed by an instrument. (homing of a linear stage, the zeroing of a power meter, the acquisition of a spectrum with a spectrometer…). An Action may have a parameter.

The Device of a simple instrument is usually represented by only one Module, and a few Variables and Actions attached to it.

-- Tunics (Module/Device)
        |-- Wavelength (Variable)
        |-- Output state (Variable)

Some instruments are a bit more complex, in the sense that they can host several different modules. Their representation in this interface generally consists in one top level Module (the frame) and several others sub-Modules containing the Variables and Actions of each associated modules.

-- XPS Controller (Module/Device)
        |-- ND Filter (Module)
                |-- Angle (Variable)
                |-- Transmission (Variable)
                |-- Homing (Action)
        |-- Linear stage (Module)
                |-- Position (Variable)
                |-- Homing (Action)

This hierarchy of Elements is implemented for each instrument in its drivers files, and is thus ready to use.

Load and close a Device

The procedure to load a Device is almost the same as for the Driver, but with the function get_device. You need to provide the nickname of a driver defined in the devices_config.ini (see Local configuration).

>>> lightSource = autolab.get_device('my_tunics')


You can overwrite temporarily some of the parameters values of a configuration by simply providing them as keywords arguments in the get_device function:

>>> laserSource = autolab.get_device('my_tunics', address='GPIB::9::INSTR')

To close properly the connection to the instrument, simply call its the function close of the Device. This object will not be usable anymore.

>>> lightSource.close()

To close all devices connection (not drivers) at once you can use the Autolab close function.

>>> autolab.close()

Use a Variable

If a Variable is readable (read function provided in the driver), its current value can be read by calling its attribute:

>>> lightSource.wavelength()
>>> lightSource.output()

If a Variable is writable (write function provided in the driver), its current value can be set by calling its attribute with the desired value:

>>> lightSource.wavelength(1549)
>>> lightSource.output(True)

To save locally the value of a readable Variable, use its function save with the path of the desired output directory (default filename), or file:


Use an Action

You can execute an Action simply by calling its attribute:

>>> linearStage = autolab.get_device('my_linear_stage')
>>> linearStage.goHome()

Script example

With all these commands, you can now create your own Python script. Here is an example of a script that sweep the wavelength of a light source, and measure a power of a power meter:

# Import the package
import autolab
import pandas as pd

# Open the Devices
myTunics = autolab.get_device('my_tunics')
myPowerMeter = autolab.get_device('my_power_meter')

# Turn on the light source

# Sweep its wavelength and measure a power with a power meter
df = pd.DataFrame()
step = 0.01
start = 1550
stop = 1560
points = int(1 + (stop - start)/step)
for wl in np.linspace(start, stop, points):

    # Set the parameter

    # Measures the values
    wl_measured = myTunics.wavelength()
    power = myPowerMeter.line1.power()

    # Store the values in a list
        df = df.append({'wl_measured': wl_measured, 'power': power}, ignore_index=True)

# Turn off the light source

# Close the Devices
# Or use autolab.close()

# Save data